Joint Ventures Policy
- The U of S BDC may enter into a joint venture with another dance club in order to co-host an event/workshop/specialty class.
- A simple majority vote by the Executive is needed to accept the decision to hold a joint event/workshop/specialty class.
- Before a vote, if there is no specific budget line set up for a joint venture, a decision and vote shall be held to determine where in the budget the money will come from.
- To allow for the easiest communication, a meeting between representatives of the two club executives/board, should be held at the earliest convenience to decide upon details together. A minimum of two members per club should be at this meeting. Further meetings can be set between the two groups should the need arise.
- All major decisions pertaining to ticket sales, entrance fees, expenses, and topics/themes, should be determined by majority vote between the two groups.
- A member of the Executive — the President by default — will be the main contact person between the clubs.
- A formal agreement may be written up to set out the responsibilities of both groups.
- July 27th, 2017 Approved by Executive Vote