
  1. These bylaws supersede all previous Bylaws of the U. of S. Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc. as of the November 28, 2018 General Meeting.
    1. This organization shall be called the "University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc.".
    2. The following contraction, "B.D.C.", shall mean the "University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc."
    3. "University", unless stated otherwise, shall mean the students, alumni, faculty and staff of the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Campus.
    4. "Affiliated" organizations shall include, but not be restricted to, the staff of Royal University Hospital, National Research Council and Saskatchewan Research Council.
    5. Instructor(s) shall mean the person(s) responsible for instructing a regular dance class or managing a dance practice session.
    6. The words "Executive Committee" and "Executive" shall be considered to mean the same unless context requires otherwise.
    7. "Associated Clubs" shall mean the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and the Regina Ballroom Dancing Club.
    1. The purpose of the B.D.C. shall be to provide a non-discriminatory and inclusive social atmosphere in which an interest in ballroom dancing can be promoted through instruction and practice of social dance.
    2. The instruction of the Club's curriculum shall be done in such a manner that it is easy to learn, challenging and fun to dance, while being delivered in a friendly and respectful environment.
    3. The U of S B.D.C. is a non-competitive Club.
    1. Membership shall become effective upon payment of an annual fee and receipt of a validated membership card. Membership shall expire on the last day of general registration of the following dance year, unless terminated with cause before this date.
    2. The members of the Executive Committee and the members of the instructor group shall receive membership without a membership fee.
    3. Memberships are not transferable.
    4. All B.D.C. members, instructors, employees, and volunteers shall be subject to a non-discriminatory Code of Conduct that ensures that the B.D.C. and its activities remain safe, respectful, and inclusive spaces.
    5. The B.D.C. shall welcome a diverse membership. Members of every ability, age, body size, cultural background, education, ethnic origin, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, language, marital status, nationality, physical appearance, political affiliations, race, religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, status as a parent, socio-economic status, or other such factors are welcome in the Club.
    1. The Executive Committee shall be made up of the following officers, as elected by the general membership:
      1. President
      2. Vice-President
      3. Financial Officer
      4. Social Coordinator
      5. Three General Members at Large
      6. Director of Information Technology
      7. Director of Marketing and Communications
    2. There shall be two members of the Executive Committee who are Instructor Members at Large, elected by the Instructors.
    3. Should an officer position become vacant for any reason, the Executive may fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the term.
    4. Duties of the Executive shall be as defined in the Policies of the B.D.C. or as assigned by the Executive Committee.
    5. If an Executive member fails to perform their duties, a special Executive meeting shall be arranged to discuss the situation. All Executive members shall be notified by registered mail of the date, time, location and reason for the special meeting. If the problems are not resolved, the Executive member may be asked to resign. If the Executive member refuses to resign, the Executive Committee must call a General Meeting to deal with this issue. The motion must pass with a simple majority. (See Non Profit Corporation Act.)
    6. If any Executive Committee member fails to attend three (3) consecutive or five (5) regularly scheduled meetings without prior contact to the Administrative Assistant, that member may be asked to resign. Notification will be made by registered mail.
    7. Should a position on the Executive Committee become vacant for any reason, the Executive may fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the term.
    8. The Executive Committee is authorized to hire a Dance Consultant, an Executive Assistant or other persons needed to conduct the Club's business. These persons may be members of the Club but are not members of the Executive Committee.
    1. Shall be registered members of the B.D.C.
    2. No officer may hold the same office for more than three successive years.
    3. No officer may hold more than one Executive position concurrently.
    1. Nominations
      1. The nomination committee shall be organized by the M.A.L.s.
      2. Duties of the nomination committee shall be to:
        1. receive nominations,
        2. poll prospective candidates, and
        3. prepare a list of Executive candidates for each elected position.
      3. All candidates must be nominated by a registered member of the B.D.C.
      4. Written nominations must be received by the nomination committee for those unable to attend the election prior to that meeting.
      5. Verbal and written nominations shall be accepted from the floor during the general meeting at which the elections occur.
    2. Elections
      1. An election for members of the Executive Committee, excluding Instructor Members at Large, shall be held annually at the General Meeting of the membership.
      2. The general members shall vote by a show of hands unless a motion for a secret ballot is passed.
      3. Election shall be by simple majority of those present and voting.
      4. A. B.D.C. member may run for more than one office, but shall be struck from the list of nominees for all other offices upon election to an office.
      5. Election of officers shall start with the position of President.
    1. There shall be at least four non-Executive volunteer positions recommended by the general membership:
      1. Decorations Coordinator
      2. Volunteer Coordinator
      3. Music Coordinator
      4. Student Member at Large
    2. These positions should be filled at the same time as the Executive Committee.
    3. Should a volunteer position become vacant for any reason, the Executive may fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the term.
    4. Duties of these volunteers shall be as defined in the Policies of the BDC or as assigned by the Executive Committee.
    5. Student Member at Large must be enrolled as a full time or part-time student at the University of Saskatchewan or Saskpolytech or another post secondary educational institution within Saskatoon and area on the date on which they take office.
    1. Executive Committee Meetings
      1. Meetings shall be called with reasonable notice as necessary by the President or by a quorum of the Executive Committee.
      2. A quorum shall be more than fifty percent of the currently filled positions of the Executive Committee.
      3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to all members of the Club who wish to observe the proceedings. They may take part in the proceedings by invitation from the chairperson or a majority of the Executive Committee present at the meeting.
    2. General Meetings
      1. At least one meeting shall be held per year.
      2. General meetings require no less than 15 days and no more than 50 days notice. Oral announcements in the dance classes for the general membership, and including in the Club's announcements, and putting notification on the Club's website will be considered an adequate method of notification.
      3. General meetings may be called by:
        1. the Executive Committee,
        2. petition from the general membership with the number of petitioners being no less than 20 registered members.
      4. A quorum shall be a minimum of 5 voting Executive Committee members and 5 non-Executive members being present. With more than a minimum quorum, there must be more non- Executive members than Executive members.
      5. Voting shall be done by a show of hands of those members present, unless a secret ballot has been requested.
  10. B.D.C. YEAR
    1. The B.D.C. fiscal year shall be from January 1 of one calendar year to December 31 of the same year.
    2. The Executive Committee for a year shall take office on January 15 and relinquish office to the new Executive Committee on January 14 of the following year.
    1. The B.D.C. shall be governed by Democratic Rules of Order, 9th Edition (2010) in all cases where they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the B.D.C. Constitution, Bylaws and Policies.
    1. The Constitution or Bylaws of the B.D.C. may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members present at a General Meeting with a quorum present.
    2. Content of amendments require the same notification to the general membership as that required for the general meeting at which the amendments will be presented.
    3. Any member of the B.D.C. may prepare an amendment or amendments. They must provide written notice, including content, to the Executive Committee and Club members thirty days prior to the general meeting.
    1. Policies consistent with the B.D.C. Constitution and/or Bylaws may be adopted or amended by consent of two-thirds of the Executive Committee.
    1. Each voting member of the Executive Committee shall receive one free ticket for each dance open to all members of the University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc.
    2. Each instructor shall receive one free ticket per class taught for each dance open to all members of the University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc.
    3. A dance open to all members of the University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club, Inc. is an event which all members may have reasonable opportunity to obtain a ticket for entry and is not restricted to less than fifty one percent (51%) of the membership or 800 members, whichever is less, being accommodated.
    4. Each voting member of the Executive Committee required to carry out Club business at a B.D.C. event shall receive free admission to that event where the event is not open to all members.
    1. All members of the Executive Committee and instructors shall receive a current copy of these documents.
    2. Upon request, a general member shall receive a current copy of the Bylaws and policies of the B.D.C.
    3. Up-to-date copies of Constitution, and all current Bylaws and Policies will be posted on the Club website, where they can be easily found and accessed without obstruction.
      1. Order of Business
        1. Agenda
        2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
        3. Correspondence reported by Executive Assistant and others.
        4. Reports of the members of the Executive Committee. (At the Annual General Meeting a report on the Club finances from the Financial Officer is required. A motion regarding an audit of the Club's finances must be considered.)
        5. Unfinished business.
        6. New business.
        7. Adjournment of the meeting.
    5. The order of business for a meeting may be altered by a vote of two-thirds of those present.
    1. The Executive Committee shall set the admission price of all functions of the B.D.C. and shall have the discretionary power to admit to B.D.C. functions, free of charge, persons such as dignitaries of the University.
    2. The B.D.C. shall sponsor a minimum of two social dances during the B.D.C. year, which shall be open to all members of the B.D.C. and guests.
    3. The Executive Committee may sponsor a social for the Instructors and Executive Committee once during the scheduled B.D.C. year. A reasonable amount of B.D.C. funds may be allocated to this social.
    4. The Executive Committee may sponsor an event called "Volunteer Appreciation Night".
    5. The B.D.C. may sponsor one or more dance workshops for the purpose of improving the Instructors' teaching skills and dance knowledge.
    6. The B.D.C. may sponsor one or more member dance workshops.
    7. Workshop expenses may be wholly or partially borne by the B.D.C. at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
    1. The B.D.C. shall maintain Friendship Group Status under the regulations set forth by the University.
    2. The B.D.C. shall maintain non-profit corporation status under the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan.
    1. The B.D.C. shall maintain a logo to identify the Club. This Logo shall be trademarked to protect it from unauthorized use.
    2. The B.D.C. shall maintain a banner for display at the Club's activities.
    3. The B.D.C. shall maintain a website for displaying Club information.
    1. The B.D.C. shall refrain from entering into joint ventures with commercial enterprise.
    2. The B.D.C. shall seek to establish friendly relations with local and regional non-profit and volunteer-run dance and cultural organizations for the purpose of establishing mutually beneficial advertising and promotion agreements for events, workshops, and classes that may be of interest to both of their memberships.
    1. A minimum balance of $15,000 or three months operating funds, whichever is greater, shall be maintained as carry over funds.
    2. In the event of an actual or perceived deficiency in funds to continue Club operation, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to:
      1. Reduce the number of instructors and/or classes,
      2. Remove free entry to any or all B.D.C. events for any or all persons, and/or
      3. To take other actions deemed necessary.
    3. The Executive Committee shall call a general meeting to show cause for implementing these powers. This meeting shall be not more than three weeks following invocation of these powers.
    1. Upon dissolution of the Club, all assets of the Club will be held in trust by the University. These assets may be released to a campus organization or group with the same purpose regarding ballroom dancing as stated in the constitution.


  • November 28th, 2018 Amended at GM
  • November 29th, 2017 Amended at GM
  • April 19th, 2017 Amended at AGM
  • April 20th, 2016 Amended at AGM
  • December 5th, 2013 Amended at GM
  • April 24th, 2013 Amended at AGM
  • March 23rd, 2003 Passed