General Policies

    1. GENERAL
      1. The University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club (hereinafter referred to as the "B.D.C.") shall maintain non-profit corporation status under the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan.
      2. The B.D.C. may have a forum of the Executive-Instructor group and other interested members if requested. The date of such a forum should be set to allow a reasonable opportunity for the Executive Committee to act on any recommendations that may arise.
      3. The B.D.C. shall typically hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April and General Meeting (GM) in December.
      4. The current Executive Committee, upon election of the next Executive Committee, shall set up a meeting between the two Executives for the orderly transfer of power by April 30th.
      5. The B.D.C. will support the dance community in Saskatoon and provide the membership with information on social dance opportunities offered by other dance organizations that are brought to the Club's attention.
      6. All B.D.C. Executive and employees (both contractual and volunteer) are expected to comply with the following Code of Conduct:
        • Demonstrate honesty and integrity;
        • Respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;
        • Treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is a disagreement;
        • Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability;
        • Respect the rights of others;
        • Respect persons who are in a position of authority; and
        • Respect the need of others to work in a positive environment of learning and teaching.
      7. The Harassment Policy will further detail the circumstances that constitute harassment and the steps members may take to receive resolution.
      8. The following option are available when it is believed that there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct (the reporting of Code violations will be at the discretion of the individuals directly affected). All complaints must be made in writing to the Executive and include a signature of the person registering the complaint. The President or designate and/or the Instructor Advisory Committee or designate will act to direct the inquiry. The person against whom the complaint has been made will be addressed by the designated representatives, directly identifying the problem and seeking to resolve the concern.
      9. Third party observations should be recognized only when the third party is directly affected. All people concerned will then be contacted by the President or designate, and the Instructor Committee Chairperson or designate, in order to validate the perception and determine if any action is required.
      10. Consequences for breach of the Code of Conduct will be determined on an individual basis and by consensus of the Executive. Possible consequences include, but are not limited to:
        • Verbal reprimand;
        • Removal of B.D.C. membership privileges;
        • Removal of B.D.C. membership.
      11. The B.D.C. shall release funds as required from the Reserve Fund in the event that a third impartial party is required to oversee a dispute. Funds shall be released by 2 signing officers of the Executive, within 30 days of the request and by a simple majority vote of the Executive. Parties involved must agree that they are willing to discuss the matter with an impartial third party, before the request is made to release funds. No more than three (3) sessions shall be paid for by the U of S B.D.C. for any one request.
      12. The Executive and Instructor Members shall also sign and follow a volunteer agreement as detailed within the Volunteer Agreement Policy.
      1. President:
        • Chair Executive Committee meetings;
        • Organize General Meetings (rentals, chair, agenda, etc);
        • Responsible for B.D.C. property;
        • Apply to U of S regarding friendship status;
        • Draft and review employment contracts for the Executive Assistant and Principal Instructor;
        • Act as signing officer;
        • Finalize budget with other signing officers;
        • Ensure Volunteer Agreements for Executive Committee members have been executed;
        • Oversee Executive Assistant position;
        • Co-ordinate and communicate with other clubs re: U of S B.D.C. activities; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      2. Vice-President
        • Assume the President's duties in the absence of the President;
        • Responsible for all facility bookings (except dances held at TCU Place and Danceland), dealing with problems arising, investigate new facilities prioritizing near campus;
        • Review staff agreements;
        • Act as signing officer;
        • Finalize budget with other signing officers;
        • Ensure vendors are paid in a timely fashion in conjunction with the Financial Officer;
        • Create, update, and finalize Club calendar for the upcoming dance season; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      3. Financial Officer
        • Oversee the finances of the B.D.C. and work together with the Executive Assistant to ensure all financial transactions and records are properly maintained;
        • Ensure financial institution has current signing officers on file;
        • Act as signing officer;
        • Finalize budget with other signing officers;
        • Monitor bank account;
        • Maintain Club chequebook;
        • Report financials at AGM;
        • Manage investment fund;
        • Maintain and renew liability & property insurance as required;
        • Reconcile finances for B.D.C. events;
        • All aspects of dealing with auditor; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      4. Social Coordinator
        • Responsible for arrangements regarding social dances including Monthly Dances;
        • Initiate discussion of themes for theme dances. Liaise with Decorations Coordinator;
        • Coordinate facility rental for all formal dances (Harvest Swing, Mistletoes, Ice Crystal Ball, Winter Warm-Up, and Dancero);
        • Act as signing officer;
        • Finalize budget with other signing officers;
        • Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure adequate volunteers to assist with Greet and Seat, for each event;
        • Coordinate arrangements with music providers;
        • Responsible for the creation of and liaison between the Dance Music Committee and music providers;
        • Ensures dance event playlists are created;
        • Coordinate event registration sales;
        • Work with the Director of Information Technology on event registrations and setting up check-in at dances; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      5. Director of Marketing & Communications
        • Responsible for advertising, especially to campus community, including print and distribution;
        • Solicit items for newsletter from Executive and general members;
        • Work on the newsletter, publications, and content for the B.D.C. web site;
        • Get approval of newsletter by Executive;
        • Social marketing;
        • Maintain consistent brand image;
        • Use available technology to communicate with members and non- members alike; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      6. Director of Information Technology
        • Maintain Member Services system;
        • Maintain website;
        • Set up and maintain registration system;
        • Work with Social Coordinator on event registrations and setting up check- in at dances;
        • Work with GMALs on setting up workshop check-in;
        • Maintain underlying technology that supports the Club; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      7. Members at Large from the Instructor Group (IMAL)
        • Act as liaison between the Executive and the Instructor group by:
          • Soliciting and representing the views of instructors concerning the decisions and policies made by the Executive;
          • Representing the Executive to the instructor group (Advising instructors on Executive decisions, policies, and other pertinent information);
          • Ensuring instructors have class materials (ie: binders, telephone lists, subs, keys, etc.);
          • Acting as contacts for instructor problems;
          • Administering Principal Instructor pay monitor sheet; and
          • Soliciting information on returning instructors.
        • Facilitate Sunday instructor sessions;
        • Organize Instructor or Executive/Instructor forum(s) as guided by the needs of the two groups;
        • Ensure the creation of and serve as liaison to the Executive for the following:
          • Convene and be members of the Instructor Advisory Committee
          • Organize instructor socials
        • Administer the costume budget, choreography budget;
        • Responsible for the inventory, care, and storage of costumes, including cleaning;
        • Organize instructor workshops;
        • Provide input on budget requirements on behalf of the instructors;
        • Prepare instructor class announcements and memos;
        • Ensure Volunteer Agreements for instructor volunteers have been executed; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      8. Members at Large from the General Membership (GMAL)
        • Facilitate B.D.C. membership registration;
        • Represent the members point of view to the Executive;
        • Respond to member concerns (emails to emails, letters to letters, feedback forms, phone calls) of a non-clerical nature and as assigned by the Executive;
        • Organize and run the member workshops and specialty workshops;
        • Organize all aspects of the Volunteer Appreciation Night. (V.A.N.) year-end social with the assistance of the Volunteer Coordinator;
        • Ensure payment of instructors for workshops;
        • Enquire about the dance aspects (dances being taught and instructors) of the workshop from the IMALs; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      9. Member at Large from the Student General Membership (SMAL)
        • Represent the views and opinions of the general membership that are currently students in post-secondary education;
        • Act as contact between the B.D.C. and the various Student and University groups on campus;
        • Help organize the campus portions of registration, including advertising, promotions, and events; and
        • Duties as assigned by the Executive.
      1. Decoration Coordinator
        • Arrange for appropriate decorations for social dances;
        • Coordinate themes for social dances with the Social Coordinator;
        • Work in cooperation with the Social Coordinator to decorate, considering access to the building, fire regulations, table arrangements, floor plan, lighting, etc.;
        • Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure adequate volunteers to assist with decorating, for each event;
        • Take responsibility for storage and care of decorations at B.D.C. storage site; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      2. Volunteer Coordinator
        • Act as liaison between volunteers and Executive;
        • Contact and arrange for volunteers to assist with Club functions and other duties as requested by the Executive, including but not limited to:
          • Registration
          • Decorating
          • Dances
          • Workshops
        • Obtain and maintain database with volunteer information;
        • Keep record of volunteers who assist with Club events;
        • Verify volunteers' attendance at each event (Volunteer Sign-up Sheet);
        • Properly retain and store all signed Sign-In Sheets for record purposes, ie: future audits;
        • Contact and arrange for volunteers to serve on various committees as requested by the Executive;
        • Prepare list of volunteers that are entitled to receive volunteering perks;
        • Issue invitations to volunteers to participate in volunteering perks;
        • Keep track of how many perks are utilized;
        • Recommend policy to Executive with respect to volunteer rewards;
        • Organize the Volunteer Lead/Follow Program; and
        • Other Duties as assigned by the Executive.
      3. Music Coordinator
        • Ensure iPods have been updated for class instruction;
        • Maintain B.D.C. iTunes account;
        • Oversee creation of dance playlists (by instructor volunteer or Music Coordinator themselves);
        • Distribute final playlist to relevant Executive members for design and distribution; and
        • Other duties as assigned by the Executive.
      1. Instruct the approved dance curriculum to their assigned class(es). This shall include taking responsibility for B.D.C. property and property leased or rented by the B.D.C.
      2. Attend regularly scheduled instructor class.
      3. It shall be the instructor's responsibility to obtain a replacement, if an instructor is unable to attend their assigned class. If the instructor will miss four or more weeks in a row, the instructor will also advise the IMAL of the leave as well as their contingency plan.
      4. During the assigned class, the instructor shall:
        • Advise their class of upcoming B.D.C. events and other information as requested by the Executive Committee. ie: announcements
        • Collect and confirm receipt of payments for B.D.C. events.
        • Keep Club property secured during class.
      5. Encourage members who exhibit potential skill sets for becoming an instructor to try out at Instructor Recruitment.
      6. Direct members to the appropriate Executive Member (or the Executive Assistant if unsure of the appropriate Executive Member) for any comments, feedback, or concerns the member may have. Inform the IMAL of the situation so that they may follow up.
      1. The B.D.C. shall maintain a messaging answering system, maintained by the Executive Assistant.
      2. The Executive Assistant shall be designated as the person who shall receive all phone messages on behalf of the Club.
      1. All Standing Committees must follow the Reporting Policy as outlined in Section VIII.
        1. Instructor Advisory Committee (IAC)
          1. The committee is made up of instructors elected to the committee by their fellow Instructors. The breakdown of instructors to be elected are 3 Beginner Instructors, 2 Intermediate instructors, and 1 Advanced instructor. The committee will also include the 2 IMALs.
          2. The IAC elects their chair amongst themselves upon election.
          3. The IAC must keep the instructors and Executive informed on instructor and Club events, such as: agenda items, meeting minutes, important upcoming dates, details of fall start up, etc.
          4. The committee is responsible for:
            • Reviewing, updating, and distributing the Instructor Intention Forms;
            • Scheduling classes for the Club in consultation with the Principal Instructor, Executive Committee, and Recruitment Committee.
          5. Work with the Principal Instructor to establish dance instruction to instructors.
          6. Set Sunday instructor class agenda in consultation with Principal Instructor.
          7. Plan Fall Orientation Meeting in consultation with Principal Instructor.
          8. Plan Instructor Workshops
          9. Recommend to the Executive a choice for Principal Instructor if required.
          10. Plan Club workshops including specialty classes and workshops in conjunction with the Executive.
          11. Provide oversight for teaching consistency and instructional issues in conjunction with Principal Instructor.
          12. Provide oversight for instructor negligence in conjunction with Principal Instructor and Executive Committees.
          13. Determine the number of new instructors as required to fulfill teaching duties for the year in conjunction with the Recruitment Committee and Executive Committee.
        2. Music Committee
          1. The Music Coordinator will convene and chair this committee.
          2. The committee is made up of instructors and interested members. These members should have a background in and/or knowledge of ballroom dance music.
          3. The committee is responsible for selecting and compiling music for Club dances and classes.
        3. Instructor Recruitment Committee
          1. Instructor MALs will convene this committee in January.
          2. The committee is made up of the Principal Instructor and experienced instructors chosen by the Principal Instructor. This committee will consist of three to five current instructors.
          3. The Principal Instructor will chair this committee.
          4. The committee is responsible for evaluating and recommending new instructors for the coming dance year.
          5. Instructor Recruitment will be held by mid-February.
          6. The committee must report back to the IMALs and Executive within a month after Recruitment has been held.
        4. Registration Committee
          1. The General MALs will convene and chair this committee. The first meeting should be held within the first week of May.
          2. The Registration Committee shall consist of the General MALs, the Volunteer Coordinator, the Student MAL, the Director of Marketing and Communication, the Director of Information Technology, and the President.
          3. The Registration Committee shall be responsible for making all registration decisions including dates, times, forms, membership card format, and all other details. The general format of registration day must be submitted to the Executive for approval.
          4. The Registration Chairperson and/or their designate shall consult with the IMALs prior to registration to gather proper information on possible class limits. The B.D.C. Executive shall have final say in class sizes. The Chairperson and/or their designate shall be empowered to limit registration in classes that are severely out of balance between leads and follows.
      1. Other committees can be called as required.
      2. Previous committees that have been convened in the past include: Harassment Committee, Instructor Protocol Committee, Costume Committee, Constitution Committee, Policy Committee, Performance Committee, Financial Committee, Social Committee, Volunteer Committee, and Anniversary Committees.
      3. All committees will follow the Reporting Policy as outlined in Section VIII.
    8. REPORTS
      1. B.D.C. Executive members shall prepare a report for presentation at Executive meetings outlining communications and activities that have occurred since the previous meeting. These reports should also include planning reports for upcoming events/activities including, but not limited to, dances, workshops, member registrations, and Instructor-Executive forums.
      2. Club committees will also prepare a report for presentation to the B.D.C. Executive summarizing activities that have occurred under their purview.
        1. On-going committees (e.g.: IAC) shall present reports after every meeting.
        2. Temporary committees (e.g.: Policy Committee, Recruitment Committee, etc) shall present a final report once the committee has completed its mandate, within one month of its completion. If the committee meets more than 4 times, an update must be presented to keep the B.D.C. Executive informed as to the state of the committee.
        3. Reports shall be submitted to the overseeing Executive member. If there is no overseeing Executive member, reports are to be submitted to the President.
      3. These reports are to be used as the basis for General Meeting reports, for continuity between executives, and for historical records.
      1. Only current B.D.C. members may apply to be "first time" instructors. The advanced level classes will be targeted as the main source for applicants. Under exceptional circumstances, an instructor may recommend an applicant from the beginner or intermediate level.
      2. Current instructors returning in the fall are not subject to the recruitment process. Instructors wishing to return after a one-year leave of absence may do so upon notification to the Executive by May 1st.
      3. Instructors wishing to return after an absence from the B.D.C. of more than one year, but less than three years, must re-apply through the regular recruitment process. This would also apply to any current member of an affiliate club. As clarification, this means that the applicant does not need to be a current member of the B.D.C.
      4. Instructors wishing to return after an absence of more than three years would be treated as a "first time" instructor applicant. This means that the applicant must be a current member of the B.D.C.
      5. Application forms and letters shall be made available to interested members before the end of November, to be returned by mid-January.
      6. The Recruitment Committee shall hold an evaluation session for the applicants by mid-February in order to select new instructors. The Recruitment Committee shall establish the format and content of the evaluation session.
      7. Selection of new instructors will be based primarily on applicants' dancing ability and the perceived number of new instructors required.
      8. All applicants will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than March 31st, of the result of their application, including tips to improve upon. In some cases, final determination may not be possible until later due to changing situations over the summer. Such applicants should be so advised.
      1. The Instructors' class is intended to teach the skills necessary to teach dance and to improve the instructors' dancing abilities. The instructors are expected to attend this class.
      2. Executive members may attend the Instructors' class.
      1. The B.D.C. shall have a start-up instructor workshop prior to the start of the B.D.C. dance lessons in September.
      2. The B.D.C. may sponsor up to two more instructor workshops.
      1. A report shall be submitted to the Executive by the Instructor MALs after each instructor workshop.
      2. Instructor MALs, along with the Instructor Advisory Committee, are the person(s) responsible for the organization of the workshop. They shall also be responsible for payment of the workshop instructor. This payment should be made the day of the workshop. If that is not possible, then payment should be initiated within seven days of the conclusion of the event. If the instructor is a member of the B.D.C., then alternate payment arrangements may be made prior to the workshop.
      1. The decision as to whether to hold a Summer Session, its length, and location will be presented by the Instructor MALs to the Executive no later than November 1 for budgeting purposes.
      2. Summer Session instructors will be chosen by the Instructor MALs and with Executive and Principal Instructor approval.
      3. The Instructor Advisory Committee and the Principal Instructor shall determine the format and content of the Summer Session with Executive approval.
      1. The B.D.C. financial year runs January — December.
      2. The B.D.C. shall maintain a minimum budgeting period that covers two dance years: Term Two of the first year (January — August) and Term One of the second year (September — December).
      3. The B.D.C. budget for the following year must be completed and accepted before December 15 of the current year.
      1. One membership card will be issued per person. This membership is non-transferable. Students (e.g.: U of S, SIAST, high school, etc.) will receive a minimum $10 discount from full membership price upon presentation of valid student ID.
      2. Minimum age for membership is 16 years.
      3. An additional class registration will be allowed with appropriate payment. Registration in this additional class permits attendance at the additional class only.
      4. Lost or stolen membership cards will be replaced provided the member forwards a Member Action Form to the Club. The Executive Assistant shall be responsible for issuing replacement cards. If a membership card is damaged, the original card or pieces thereof must be returned before a new card will be issued.
      5. All members should bring their membership card to each class. When asked to present their membership card by the class instructor or a designated member of the Executive, the member is obliged to do so. If the member cannot present their membership card or the card is not validated or is not issued for that class, the member may be asked to leave the class.
      1. Whereas the Financial Officer "shall oversee the finances of the B.D.C.":
        1. The Executive Assistant shall coordinate and manage all financial transactions and maintain all B.D.C. financial records. The Financial Officer shall be available to assist the Executive Assistant with these duties.
        2. The Financial Officer shall present an accurate and current financial report at all Executive meetings.
        3. Bank statements of the Club accounts must be saved for historical purposes (e.g.: digital statements downloaded and stored on the Club Drive).
        4. The Financial Officer shall be available as required to assist the Executive Assistant in the preparation and filing of GST returns, income tax returns, the annual audit, or any other financial information required by the provincial or federal government or their agencies.
        5. The Financial Officer is responsible for the accurate presentation of financial information used in the annual audit, presented at the B.D.C. Annual General Meeting, and used in all required government documents.
      1. All invoices must be paid, where possible, directly by the B.D.C. Invoices to be paid by the Club should be mailed directly to the Club at the current address.
      2. Executive members are responsible for forwarding any invoice that is received by them to the Financial Officer.
      3. Invoices must be reviewed and signed by the Executive member responsible for the item.
      1. A refund for current membership dues will be given under the following conditions:
        1. The membership has been purchased at the most recent membership registration period;
        2. The validated membership card must be returned to the Club; and
        3. A Member Action Form has been completed and sent to the Club's address within twenty-one (21) days after the close of registration.
      2. After twenty-one (21) days, a refund may be given at the discretion of the Executive. The request must be made on a Member Action Form.
      1. The Executive will determine the method of ticket sales.
      2. Ticket sales will end at any time as determined by the Executive but a minimum of seven days prior to the event is required for Dinner Dance tickets.
      3. The instructors will be notified of the sales method at least four to six weeks in advance of the event and their help may be requested with ticket sales.
      4. Dinner Dance tickets will not be sold at the door for B.D.C. dance events. However, special arrangements to pick up prepaid tickets may be made for guests of the B.D.C.
      5. The B.D.C. Executive is responsible for the collection of money and tickets, which must be turned over to the Financial Officer or Executive Assistant upon collection at least three days prior to the event.
      6. Tickets to B.D.C. events may be sold to members of affiliated clubs at discounted prices (set at the discretion of the Executive) and providing that tickets are available.
      7. Payment for tickets must be received prior to the end of regularly scheduled ticket sales.
      8. Tickets are non-refundable. However, the Executive Assistant may put buyers and sellers together.
      1. The B.D.C. will charge the writer of a "NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS" cheque a service fee equivalent to what the B.D.C. would be charged for attempting to cash a "Non- Sufficient Funds" cheque by its financial institution.
      1. The B.D.C. Executive may provide complimentary tickets to individuals who receive special invitation to B.D.C. events.
      2. Complimentary tickets may be obtained at the door of B.D.C. events, provided prior arrangements have been made.
      3. Free admission to B.D.C. events will be given to members of affiliated dance organizations (see Bylaws Section II point 7) under the following conditions:
        1. Free admissions will be granted only to those who are participating in a dance routine at the B.D.C. event; and
        2. A maximum of ten free admissions will be available to each affiliated club.
      1. A request for reimbursement should be made on the Club expense form and must state the expenses incurred and break down expenses where multiple expenses were incurred with the date of the expense and the reason for the expense.
      2. The B.D.C. may pay an honorarium to anyone who performs a service, at the request of the Executive. Specifically, this refers to services such as photography, videography, artwork, etc. The individual will be offered a choice of a $60 honorarium or 2 dance only tickets to the dance of their choice.
      3. The B.D.C. will reimburse Executive members for long distance telephone calls made regarding Club business. The applicant must state on a written form to whom the call was made, the purpose of the call, and the date of the call. A copy of the telephone bill must be presented. Telephone calls are expected to be done on an economically practical basis.
      1. B.D.C. Instructors who facilitate Club workshops shall be paid an honorarium unless otherwise negotiated with the Executive.
      1. Recognition
        1. After an event, the chairperson responsible should send a thank you to volunteers as soon as possible.
        2. At a minimum of one dance per year, the Instructors and Executive shall be introduced to the Club membership.
      2. Volunteer Appreciation Night
        1. A separate appreciation event(s) may be held for all volunteers, instructors, and Executive, which may take place at Christmas or at the end of the year. The Executive Committee will approve (in principle) the details of this event(s) should it occur.
      3. Years of Service Recognition
        1. Current B.D.C. members who have been in service of the Club through work on the Executive and/or the Instructor group for a combined 25 and 50 years shall be conferred a token of appreciation by the Executive Committee.
        2. On occasions where an Instructor is also a member of the Executive in the same year, that year shall count as two years in determining years of service.
        3. B.D.C. members who have a combined 10 years of service in the Club through the Executive and/or Instructor group shall be verbally recognized for their contributions. This shall repeat for subsequent decades of service.
        4. Wherever possible, these recognitions will be conferred at Dancero.
      1. Contact information for B.D.C. Executive and instructors shall not be released to the general membership. Members shall be directed to contact the B.D.C. telephone number or email address with any questions. The caller's name and phone number/email address will be passed on to the Executive member or instructor concerned, who will then contact the member.
      2. Discussions during committee meetings are considered fully confidential.
      3. Private information collected by the Club on general members during Registration will not be released to any third party organization or shared with anyone without the express permission of the general member.
      1. There may be official B.D.C. videographers and/or photographers at B.D.C. events. Members videotaping or photographing dance demonstrations must not interfere with the official B.D.C. videographer and/or photographer. To Ensure the privacy of all members, the following rules will apply to recording of all B.D.C. events:
        1. Classes/Workshops
          1. Photography
            • Photographers must have the permission of all persons to be photographed.
          2. Videotaping
            • Videotaping of classes or workshops in progress is not allowed.
            • Instructors may choose to honour individual requests to have instruction videotaped as long as taping occurs outside of regular class time and all participants have given their permission to be taped.
        2. Dances
          1. Photography
            • Still photography of dance demonstrations will be allowed where possible in a prescribed photographer's area. Photographers are not allowed on the performance dance floor.
            • A photography corner will be provided where possible at all major B.D.C. dances for members' use.
            • Whenever the B.D.C. pays for development of photographs, the negatives become the property of the B.D.C.
          2. Videotaping
            • Videotaping of general dancing at B.D.C. events in progress is not allowed.
            • Videotaping of dance demonstrations at B.D.C. events shall be allowed where possible from a prescribed videographer area. Videographers are not allowed on the performance dance floor.
      1. All correspondence should be responded to in the same manner that the original correspondence was received (email to email, letter to letter, phone call to phone call, etc.), unless otherwise requested.
      2. Email correspondence to Executive members pertaining to Club business should be routed through the official Club Executive email accounts.
      3. Group emails should go to the smallest group concerned.
      4. All emails should have a return address of the writer (not be forwarded by someone else).
      5. Private emails or email chains should never be appended to an email to a larger group. If more people need to be brought into the discussion, summarize, do not forward. Best policy is not to keep expanding the To: field.
      6. If sending to a group that may not have each other's addresses, use BCC. However, always make it clear in the salutation to whom the email went, either by using their names, or by something like "all instructors, recent dance attendees, and Joe and Sally".
      7. Never use BCC except in the above circumstances. Certainly never use it to "tell" on someone or to disguise the fact that you are sharing someone's email.
      1. Club Newsletter
        1. The B.D.C. will produce a newsletter to be distributed to the membership. The purpose will be to keep the membership informed and promote the Club's activities.
        2. There should be at least three newsletters per B.D.C. year.
        3. The newsletter may be paper or electronic in nature. d. The newsletter will be named "Let U of S Dance".
      2. Interclub Communication
        1. The Executive Committee should provide instructors with written announcements to be read to members on a weekly basis.
        2. The weekly announcements will be provided to the membership on the Club website.
        3. The Executive Committee shall provide to the membership written summaries of important issues.
      1. Dance bands
        1. The dance program will be provided by the Social Coordinator and/or Music Coordinator. Bands will be instructed to not accept dance requests from the floor. The Social Coordinator and/or Music Coordinator will be the only liaison(s) between the B.D.C. and the band. The Music Coordinator or designate will decide upon the dance playlist.
        2. Bands will be asked to maintain a strict tempo. Speed should be appropriate for ballroom dancing. The band will act as accompaniment for the dancers.
        3. All dances are to be played in sets of a maximum of two songs. d. The last song of the evening should be a slow waltz.
        4. Members of the band under contract should refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and prohibited substances for the duration of their contract hours.
        5. The band will be responsible for set up the afternoon of the dance or as otherwise agreed to with the management of the dance facility and the Social Coordinator. Any specific requirements should be brought to the attention of the Social Coordinator. Bands are responsible for arranging for specific equipment or other requirements with the rental facility.
        6. The Music coordinator will touch base with the band on the day of the dance before the dance commences / begins.
        7. Bands will be instructed to not announce the type of dance to be played. i. If there is to be a dance demonstration:
          • Time allotted for equipment testing and sound checks shall be coordinated with the Social Coordinator and/or Music Coordinator; and
          • The band's first break shall coincide with the beginning of the dance demonstrations.
      2. Dance D.J.s
        1. The dance program will be provided by the B.D.C. Social Coordinator and/or Music Coordinator. The D.J. will be instructed not to accept dance requests from the floor or to play individuals' taped music selections brought in that evening. The Social Coordinator and/or Music Coordinator will be the only liaison(s) between the B.D.C. and the D.J.. The dance playlist will be decided upon by the Music Coordinator or designate.
        2. All dances are to be played in sets of a maximum of two songs.
        3. The last song of the evening should be a slow waltz.
        4. The D.J. under contract should refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and prohibited substances for the duration of their contract hours.
        5. The Music Coordinator will discuss with the D.J. whether the types of dances will be announced. If requested by the Social Coordinator, only the type of dance will be announced.
      3. Dance Playlists
        1. A document outlining tips and procedures in creating proper dance playlists will be kept within the Club files for use by the Music Coordinator or designate.
      1. Dance demonstrations will be held by the B.D.C. to promote the continuing dance training of the Club's instructor group. These demonstrations shall be used to show the membership and the general public the talent that exists within the Club.
      2. Dance demonstrations may be performed at local dinner dances.
      3. Dance demonstrations may be performed by the following, with priority being the order listed below:
        1. The current Instructor group led by the Principal Instructor;
        2. Designated dance classes where the class purpose is a performance (ie: Dance Teams). For further requirements, see Policy on Dance Teams;
        3. Instructor groups not led by the Principal Instructor; Specifically for the B.Y.U. routine, if one is performed, the instructor group performers may invite non-instructor members who also attended that specific performance workshop at B.Y.U. to perform with them;
        4. Guests invited from affiliated clubs;
        5. The Executive Committee;
        6. Guests invited by the Executive; and
        7. General Members who have sent a request to perform to the Executive. The Executive has sole purview to accept or deny these requests.
      4. For routines other than the main Instructor Routine (XXVII, 3, a) and designated dance teams (XXVII, 3, b), performers are responsible for and encouraged to do their own choreography. The Principal Instructor may be asked for assistance but is not required to completely choreograph a performer's demonstration.
      5. The Instructor MALs or instructor designate will be responsible for the direction and production of the instructor dance demonstrations performed at the Club's dances. Responsibilities include creating the list of routines to be performed, setting rehearsal schedule, working with auditorium sound staff, and ensuring costume collection.
      6. Instructor MALs are responsible for administering the instructor costume budget. Instructor performers shall contact the Instructor MALs to obtain approval on costume purchases. The IMALs judgement will be final on all costume purchases under the budgeted amount for costumes. Over-budget costs are the full responsibility of the performer. Bills for amounts over the budget limit may be presented for payment through the Instructor MALs to the Executive Committee. Reimbursements of these amounts are not guaranteed.
      7. Designated performance dance classes are responsible for their own costume purchases.
      8. Costumes and accessories paid for by the Club become the property of the Club.
      9. The performers are expected to use reasonable care when using the B.D.C. costumes. The B.D.C. will cover reasonable costs for care and maintenance. Instructor MALs are accountable for the inventory, care, and storage of costumes, including cleaning.
      10. Person's wishing to borrow costumes from the B.D.C. for B.D.C. events shall contact the Instructor MALs and fill out a written request.
      1. Acquisition and disposal of the equipment and/or property of the B.D.C. shall be a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.
      2. Use of the equipment and/or property of the B.D.C. for non-B.D.C. functions requires a written agreement signed by the borrower, the B.D.C. President, and at least one other member of the Executive Committee.
      3. Those using equipment and/or property of the B.D.C. for non-B.D.C. functions must give written acceptance of liability for said equipment and/or property.
      1. Video/Audio material (ie: Dance routine videos, Club owned music, etc.) will only be loaned to B.D.C. Instructors and Executive members. Only current B.D.C. Instructors and Executive members may borrow external profession workshops videos such as B.Y.U. compilations.
      2. The Executive Assistant is responsible for the library materials.
      3. Audiotape, videotape, and CD originals shall be kept in a secure location when not on loan.
      4. Copies of music (ie: cassettes, CDs, iPods, etc.) produced by the class music committee will be kept in the library.
      5. Videotapes/CDs may be borrowed for 21 days. If the videotape/CD is damaged beyond what would be considered reasonable use, the individual who borrowed it will be responsible for the replacement cost.
      1. The policies of the B.D.C. may be amended at any time with a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.
      2. Past versions of the policies will be kept for archival and historical purposes.
      3. The policies of the B.D.C. will include a record of revision that will list the dates of past approved amendments and a short description of what sections were amended.
      1. New policies should, to the best of ability, be incorporated within this document.
      2. If a policy is exceptionally long or includes additional forms crucial to the policy, it may be kept as a standalone policy, but will still be considered a part of this main document.
        1. These policies must be referenced within this main document.
      3. The following is a list of the current standalone policies of the B.D.C.:
        1. Advertising Policy
        2. Agenda, Minutes and Budget Publication Policy
        3. Complimentary Ticket Policy
        4. Dance Teams Policy
        5. Harassment Policy
        6. Joint Ventures Policy
        7. Membership Lite Policy
        8. Volunteer Benefits Policy
        9. Volunteer Contracts Policy
      4. One-time policies may be created and approved by the Executive Committee to govern a set of rules or actions for a specific decision.
        1. One-time policies are considered to be a part of this document only for the time or event listed in the one-time policy.
      1. If, after the Executive has done the initial budget forecast for the upcoming year, there appears to be a problem in maintaining the B.D.C., a special general meeting shall be called by the B.D.C. Executive to discuss the issues with B.D.C. members. This special general meeting may be a component of the Annual General Meeting.
      2. If no solutions are forthcoming, a motion to begin the process to dissolve the B.D.C. must pass with a two-third (2/3) majority of the B.D.C. members present voting for the motion.
      3. Dissolution of the B.D.C. and the liquidation of the assets of the B.D.C. shall be in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Club and shall follow the rules of The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995 and the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan applicable thereto.


  • January 10th, 2018 Passed by Vote
  • April 30th, 2016 Passed by Vote
  • October 31st, 2004 Passed by Vote
  • February 28th, 2003 Passed by Vote