Agenda, Minutes and Budget Publication Policy
- In order to maintain transparency of club operations and finances to our stakeholders, the members, the Executive and its instantiated committees shall comply with the following:
- Minutes of the following committees or assemblies shall be published to the club website no later than 3 weeks after the relevant meeting: Executive, Instructor Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, General Meetings, Annual General Meetings, and Recruitment Committee.
- The agenda of the following committees or assemblies shall be published to the club website no later than 1 week before the relevant meeting: Executive, Instructor Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, General Meetings, Annual General Meetings, and Recruitment Committee.
- The Ballroom Dancing Club Budget shall be published to the website. Updates to the budget shall be published quarterly with respect to the calendar year.
- In order to maintain transparency of club operations and finances to our stakeholders, the members, the Executive and its instantiated committees shall comply with the following:
- January 9th, 2014 Approved by Executive Vote