Harassment Policy

    • The University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club (hereafter referred to as the B.D.C.) is committed to providing an environment which promotes ballroom dance in both social and formal settings. The B.D.C. is equally committed to ensuring these settings are safe and comfortable for all participants. This would apply to all interactions and communication regarding the B.D.C., including but not limited to:
      • Classes and workshops
      • Dances and events, and
      • Arrivals and departures from class.
      • Committee meetings
      • Registration
    • Harassment is a form of discrimination that is prohibited by human rights legislation in Canada. In its most extreme forms, harassment can be an offense under Canada's Criminal Code.
    • This policy applies to the entire B.D.C. membership as well as employees. It applies to harassment that may occur during the course of all B.D.C. meetings, classes and events, as well as any communications pertaining to the Club.
    • Harassment is defined as conduct, comment, or display, by a person which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, offensive or physically harmful. Types of behaviour which constitute harassment include, but are not limited to:
      • unwelcome jokes, innuendo or teasing about a person's looks, body, attire, age, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation
      • condescending, patronizing, threatening or punishing actions which undermine self-esteem or diminish participation
      • inappropriate actions which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, negatively affect participation, or endanger a person's safety
      • unwanted or unnecessary physical contact including touching, patting or pinching
      • unwelcome repeated flirtation, sexual advances, requests or invitations which have been previously rebuked
      • any form of physical assault
      • any sexual offence including sexual assault.
      • unwanted or threatening communications, including but not limited to verbal, written, email, or text
    • The University of Saskatchewan Ballroom Dancing Club recognizes the sensitive and serious nature of harassment and abuse, and will strive to keep all matters relating to a complaint confidential. To this effect, any public disclosure of harassment incidents will not contain the names of the individuals involved.
    • This committee is responsible for assisting in the resolution or investigation of complaints if it is deemed necessary by the President of the B.D.C.
    • The B.D.C. Harassment Committee will consist of a minimum of two individuals, one female and one male, as appointed by the Executive. These members must be unbiased and have no conflict of interest prior to appointment or for the duration of the resolution or investigation.
    • A person who experiences harassment is encouraged to make it known that the behaviour is unwelcome, offensive and contrary to this policy.
    1. Communicating a Concern
      1. First, address the harasser and request the behaviour change or stop, if the concerned person feels safe in doing so. This may occur verbally or in letter form. (See Appendix A) In this case the individual is requested to file a copy of the letter with the President of the B.D.C.
      2. If personally confronting the harasser is not possible, or if after such an attempt fails and the behaviour continues, the concerned person may seek the support of an Executive member or Instructor. In the event of harassment between a student and an Executive member or Instructor, the concern should also be reported to the President.
    2. Assisted Resolution
      • In such cases where communicating does not resolve the matter, the concerned person should approach an Executive member or Instructor for assistance.
        1. It is the role of the Executive member or Instructor to locate and assist the concerned person with the completion of the reporting form. (See Appendix B)
        2. The Executive member or Instructor will pass the reporting form on to the B.D.C. President. Such action should occur in a timely manner.
        3. It is the President’s role to contact and initiate the work of the B.D.C Harassment Committee.
        4. The committee will assist the two parties in the resolution of the problem. If, in the opinion of the committee, such resolution is not possible the complaint will be dealt with through the fact—finding procedure.
        5. all complaints directed to the committee will have a written report submitted to the Executive upon reaching a logical end-point of their involvement.
    3. Fact-finding Procedure
      • Harassment Committee Process
      • The purpose of the fact-finding procedure is to set out the basic facts of the complaint so that the Executive can determine its best approach for handling the complaint.
        1. The B.D.C. Harassment Committee shall gather the facts surrounding the incident by speaking directly with the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made (the respondent). Any witnesses who might have relevant facts or observations about the incident may be contacted.
        2. In addition to providing information, the respondent shall have the opportunity to provide a written statement if he or she wishes.
      • The results of the fact gathering process shall be summarized in a written report including recommendations. The report shall contain:
        • a summary of the relevant facts;
        • a determination as to whether the acts complained of constitute harassment or abuse as defined in this policy;
        • recommendations to resolve the complaint; and where applicable
        • recommendations to avoid similar occurrences.
      • Upon completion of the fact-gathering stage, the summary report, including the complainant’s and respondent’s statements, shall be given to the Executive. If, in the opinion of the committee, this complaint should be investigated by an outside body, it shall recommend such action to the Executive.
      • Executive Committee Process
      • Within seven days of receiving the summary report of the Committee, or in the event the complaint is one investigated by an outside body, within seven days of receiving the report of such body, the Executive shall review the report and determine the appropriate response, and the matter shall then be concluded. The decision of the Executive shall be final.
      • If at any point in these proceedings, the complainant chooses to withdraw the complaint, it shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive to continue the review of the complaint in accordance with this policy.
    • Harassment and abuse are unacceptable behaviours which breach the expected standard of conduct within an organization. When an incidence of harassment or abuse which contravenes the B.D.C.’s standard of behaviour has been identified, a sanction is appropriate. The sanction to be imposed shall be determined and overseen or executed by the Executive as appropriate.
    • The following principles will apply:
      • The severity of the penalty must be appropriate for the seriousness of the infraction.
      • Penalties will be applied consistently in all cases of similar offenses.
    • In deciding sanctions, the Executive may consider, but are not limited to, the following options, singly or in combination, depending on the nature and severity of the harassment or abuse:
      • Verbal apology in presence of the class instructor.
      • Written apology with copy to the Executive.
      • Require transfer to another class at the same level.
      • Removal of membership for remainder of the current year.
      • Removal of the right to future membership.
      • Other sanctions deemed appropriate by the Executive upon recommendations from the outside body.
    1. Sample Letter from Member to Harasser
    2. Reporting Form
    3. Newsletter Items
      • For use each year after registration.
      • For use sometime later in a newsletter.


  • September 9th, 2017 Revised
  • December 2012 Approved