Decorations Coordinator

Ryan W.

The Decorations Coordinator is responsible for planning and coordinating the decorations at each of the Clubs five dances. This includes maintaining an inventory of decorations and purchasing new decorations as required. The Decorations Coordinator works with Club volunteers to set up and take down decorations prior to and after each dance. The Decorations Coordinator is responsible for managing the budget allocated to this position.

Director of Information Technology

Chad M.

The Director of Information Technology position is responsible for the creation and maintenance of both procedures and tools that ease the burden of everyday club operations. Working closely with the other members of the executive and the expectations placed on them; this role handles simplifying processes through technology.

Director of Marketing and Communications

Melissa E.

The marketing director handles the verbal and visual communication pieces used by the club to inform both members and non-members alike of the services and events that our club offers guided by the needs of our designated event planners.

Executive Assistant

Kirby M.

The Executive Assistant is a paid position in the club. The EA works alongside the Executive committee in many different capacities including, but not limited to: meeting minutes, club secretary, dance ticket distribution, table assignments, and many of dozens of other tasks.

Financial Officer


We are currently searching for someone to fill this role.

The Financial Officer is responsible for preparing cheques for Club expenditures and paying bills in a timely manner, preparing the annual budget in consultation with the President, assisting the auditors in completing the year-end audit, presenting the budget, audit and comparative statement at the General Meeting and Annual General Meeting and liaising with bank representatives and maintaining the Club bank accounts.

General Member at Large (1 of 3)

Lorraine P.

The GMALs coordinate, in collaboration with other Executive members, manage and attend the annual and half class registrations, Fall University Student Orientation Fair, member workshops, beginner dances and Volunteer Appreciation. They are responsible for booking facilities for events, working with volunteers at each event, ensuring proper set up of events and purchasing required items. They are responsible for managing the budget allocated to this position.

General Member at Large (2 of 3)

Todd T.

The GMALs coordinate, in collaboration with other Executive members, manage and attend the annual and half class registrations, Fall University Student Orientation Fair, member workshops, beginner dances and Volunteer Appreciation. They are responsible for booking facilities for events, working with volunteers at each event, ensuring proper set up of events and purchasing required items. They are responsible for managing the budget allocated to this position.

General Member at Large (3 of 3)


We are currently looking for someone to fill this role.

The GMALs coordinate, in collaboration with other Executive members, manage and attend the annual and half class registrations, Fall University Student Orientation Fair, member workshops, beginner dances and Volunteer Appreciation. They are responsible for booking facilities for events, working with volunteers at each event, ensuring proper set up of events and purchasing required items. They are responsible for managing the budget allocated to this position.

Instructor Member at Large

Kristi FB

The Instructor Member At Large is the representative of the Instructor group on the Executive committee and, vice versa, the representative of the Executive Committee in the Instructor Group. They are the go-between between the two important groups.

Music Coordinator

Bernadette D.

The music coordinator is in charge of the selection and purchasing of music for the club with input from Instructors and others that have an interest. This music is used in classes, at dances, and at workshops. The Music Coordinator is also able to receive help in the form of a Music Committee which they run.